Everyone wants a good-sounding set of overhead mics for recording drums. These days, there’s a myriad of options on the market. So today, I’ll be doing a review of the Soyuz 013 FET Stereo microphones. You’ll hear both un-processed and processed audio demos so you can decide if they’re right for you. So let’s get into it.
This is a sponsored review. Sweetwater sent me these mics about a week ago as I’m writing. I also made a video on the mics, which you can watch here. Links will be available to purchase, and I will get a small commission if you grab a pair.
About Soyuz Microphones
Soyuz is a microphone company I knew little to none about before I got these microphones. The word “soyuz” is Russian for union or alliance, signifying the driving force behind the company.
Lead singer of US band Brazzaville and Russian entrepreneur Pavel Bazdyrev joined forces back in 2013 to form the company. Today they employ world-class engineers designing high-quality, handmade microphones with a vintage look and feel.
Soyuz combines Russian engineering and manufacturing with Western design, quality control, and marketing. They don’t use CNC machines, only manual equipment run by master machinists.
As a result, each microphone is unique and has a “classic” sound many audio engineers and producers strive for in their recordings. Butch Walker, Steve Albini, and Sylvia Massy are just a few talented audio pros that use Soyuz mics.
Soyuz 013 FET Review
The mics come in a beautiful hardwood case. Included is information about the company, frequency charts, and a booklet. Inside the case, you get the mics, two clips, stand adapters, and two -10dB pads. The pads are different on the 013s, as they aren’t located on the mics. So instead, you have to unscrew the capsule and manually put them on the mics.
The microphones are a bit loose when fit into the clips, so be careful whenever you plug in cables or adjust. They feel great in the hands when holding. They’re heavy and robust—they scream high-quality. The capsule is shiny gold, and the mic is an off-white cream color.
I initially thought I would need to use the pads on the mics but ended up using the pad on my UAD Apollo 8 instead.
I did my best to get the overheads in phase with the snare. I’m a drummer first and an audio engineer second. I’m not the greatest at recording, but I think I was able to get these mics to sound amazing in my basement studio. The shallow ceilings make recording drums a little tricky.
The mics are warm and smooth sounding. In processing, you can get aggressive with EQ moves, which will not sound harsh. Compared to my WA-84s, there is an improvement in the sound, but I still love those microphones. They’re an excellent option for around $700.
Listen to the audio demos below or watch the whole YouTube video to hear these mics in action.
Like I said, I’m an audio engineer second, so there may be EQ and compression move you would do drastically different. YMMV.
What do you think of the sound of the Soyuz 013 FET stereo set? I think they sound incredible on overheads and will be my go-to set of mics for recording my drum videos. I’ve also included these mics in my roundup of the best overhead drum mics, so be sure to check that article out. If you prefer to buy a pack of microphones for drums, don’t miss my guide on the best drum mic kits available.