Get Paid to Review Your Drum Gear!

How it Works
Submit Your Review: Once signed up, click the red “+ Submit a Review” button at the top of the page on the navigation bar to submit your review.
Get Paid: If your review meets our criteria, you’ll receive $100 via PayPal.
Review Submission Requirements
To qualify for payment, please ensure your review includes the following:
High-Quality Text-Based Article Review: Provide detailed information about your gear. Share your personal experience and any unique functions or problems. Aim for at least 1,000 words.
Photos of the Gear: Use your smartphone or camera to take high-resolution photos. Take close-up shots. Ideally, include a photo of yourself playing the instrument or gear.
Rating and Summary: Rate the product on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. Provide a brief summary of your overall playing experience for our DrumSpy summary.
Pros and Cons: List at least three pros and three cons of the product.
Payment Information
Qualifying reviews will be paid $100 via PayPal. Please ensure your PayPal email is included in your profile.
Additional Incentives
Join Our Editorial Team: Users who submit multiple high-quality reviews will be considered for a spot on our editorial team. This is a great opportunity to get free gear to review for our website and become a key contributor to Drum Spy.
Terms and Conditions
Reviews must be original and not published elsewhere. Payment will be processed within 14 days of approval. Drum Spy will own the content of all submitted reviews and may use it as we see fit, including publishing on our website, social media, and other marketing materials.
Using AI-generated content for reviews is strictly prohibited. Reviews must be written by the individual submitting them. We reserve the right to reject reviews that do not meet our quality standards.
Please ensure the product you are reviewing has not been covered on our website prior. Submitted reviews of products that exist on DrumSpy will be rejected. If you have a question about a particular review before you begin writing, feel free to email me: nick @