How To Choose The Right Drumsticks (and How You Know You’ve Found Them)

You don’t realize this until you’re standing in front of a hundred of them at the music store or scrolling endlessly through its website, but a lot goes into choosing the right drumstick.  There are white ones, black ones, orange ones. Some shorter, some longer. Some wood, some plastic. That’s because as a tool, every…

Joe Lackey
February 23, 2025

We made sure to find, review, and rate cheaper acoustic drum sets and shell packs that

Promark drum sticks resting on a snare drum

Have everything included

If you’re looking for a complete drum kit that includes hardware and cymbals, this is the category for you. These kits come with all the essentials—bass drum, snare, toms, cymbals, stands, pedals, and sometimes even a drum throne. They are perfect for beginners or drummers who want a ready-to-play setup without purchasing additional components separately.

Are shell packs only

Shell packs include just the drums—typically a bass drum, snare drum, and toms—without cymbals, stands, or pedals. These are ideal for drummers who already own hardware and cymbals or want to customize their setup with high-quality components.

Promark drum sticks resting on a snare drum

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