- Eight mallet instruments
- Multiple mallet types
- Dry stereo samples
- Up to 4 velocity layers
- 5 round robins
- Mallet Type control
- Volume control
- Pan control
- Stereo Width control
- Octave Remapping
- ADSR controls
- Extended Range feature
- Built-in LFO modulation
- Global LowPass filter
- Rolls creator
- Built-in effects suite
- 4GB of content
- 146 presets
- NKS compatibility
- Intuitive interface
Vital Series: Mallets: Overview
Vital Series: Mallets from Big Fish Audio is not exclusive to the xylophone; instead, it covers a range of many different mallet instruments.
‘Vital Series: Mallets’ includes eight instruments in one patch. The GUI of Mallets allows for each pitched percussion instrument to be edited, played, blended, and recorded together.
All eight instruments included are:
- Marimba
- Xylophone
- Glockenspiel
- Tubular Bells (Chimes)
- Glass Marimba
- Song Bells
- Vibraphone
- Crotales
The samples themselves sound incredible; the level of detail is excellent for commercial film and TV productions. The recordings offer dry, stereo samples with four velocity layers and five round robins per instrument.
Each instrument comes with multiple mallet types, giving you more flexibility for quiet and louder sections of a piece.
Mallet types included are as follows:
- Soft
- Medium Soft
- Medium Hard
- Hard
- Rods
- Bow
We all know that rolls and drags typically give us an issue when sampling drums. Mallet rolls are made easy with the Rolls creator, and they sound quite realistic.
The major con of the library is the lack of multiple microphone positions. However, the samples sound excellent, and the instrument is worth a listen.

Vital Series: Mallets
Eight recorded mallet percussion instruments: Marimba, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Tubular Bells, Glass Marimba, Song Bells, Vibraphone, Crotales. Up to 4 velocity layers, 5 round robins.