The typical 5-piece drum set layout
The image above shows a standard five-piece drum set. This kit includes a kick drum, snare drum, toms, crash cymbal, ride cymbal, hi-hat, kick pedal, and a throne. A drum set usually includes at least four drum shells, as well as metal hardware to hold said shells and cymbals. In addition to the instrument itself, you’ll need a drum rug to hold your kick drum in place.
I say usually because a drum set really can mean whatever you want it to mean. It could be as simple as a kick drum, snare drum, and a hi-hat cymbal. Some drummers play drum sets that are so massive, they require many hours of setup the day of the show. Check out this video of Lorne Wheaton setting up Neil Peart’s massive drum kit before a show.
Here are some of the common drums and the definition of each:
Kick drum
This drum is usually the largest and sits on the floor with the heads perpendicular to the others. A kick pedal is needed to play this drum from a sitting position. The kick provides the bottom end and boom of a drum set.
Snare drum
The snare drum is both the loudest and most important part of a drum set. A snare drum is generally between 5″ and 7″ deep and contains metal snare wires that are attached to the bottom drum head.
Upon being struck, the snare drum provides a snappy sound with a quick attack. Snare drums are most commonly played on beats 2 and 4 in popular music.
Tom drums
Toms, or tom-toms, are resonant drums that have no snares. These drums are typically used in fills and also in certain grooves to add more spice and potentially melody if it’s called for.
The most famous example of tom drums is the fill section from “In The Air Tonight” by Phil Collins. Here is 30 minutes of that drum fill for no reason.
These instruments are made from metal and provide either a loud accent when playing or provide a steady rhythm. For the purposes of this article, we will be dealing with the basics: crash cymbals, ride cymbals, and the hi-hat.
Drum throne
Most drummers play sitting down. For this reason, it’s important that they use what is known as a drum throne. These seats are adjustable in height and are typically a circular shape. Depending on what you buy, yours may have a backrest on it, though these aren’t for everyone.
Things to consider when buying drums as a beginner
Are you really interested in playing the drums? Before you go dropping a bunch of cash on a new drum set, be sure to have a really solid interest in playing the drums.
If you’re unsure, it might be wiser to try and find a used drum set on Craigslist or on eBay.
Playing drums requires a lot of time and commitment. This instrument is not that easy to learn and many young players tend to give up prior to hitting that eureka moment. Brace yourself for the long haul. If it were easy, it wouldn’t be worth doing.
If all these options still seem a little too expensive, be sure to read our roundup on the best cheap drum sets available now. On the flip side, if you want something more professional, don’t miss this article on the best drum sets available.
Also, if you’re a new drummer, I highly suggest taking a few minutes to read my guide on how to tune a drum set if you want the best sound out of a beginner drum set. Sometimes a drum set doesn’t sound great right out of the box.
Drum kit size
Most of the drum kits on this list are five-piece kits, but don’t let that stop you from adding on extra drums and additional percussion accessories. Some of the most creative drummers around have unique setups and drums that deviate from the norm.
Consider those around you
Drums are noisy. If you have neighbors that live on the other side of a paper-thin wall, there’s no way you’re going to get away with playing a loud drum set. If you live in an apartment or duplex, you may have to opt for an electronic drum kit instead of an acoustic drum set.
You need to wear ear protection while playing the drums
While you don’t necessarily have to, I strongly suggest that you invest in either some isolation earmuffs or better yet, some in-ear monitors. Your hearing is extremely important, especially as a musician. If you get in the habit of playing drums without protection, your hearing will be the first sense to go as you age.
Drum lessons are important for beginners, but not required
In today’s world, you really don’t have to start off with drum lessons, though it can be very beneficial.
Luckily, drummers today have access to a massive library of instructional videos on platforms like Drumeo and even YouTube. If you don’t want to invest in private lessons right away, start off watching videos and learning on your own!
Michael Polletta
Yamaha stage customs birch 709$ 5 piece low price don’t be fooled by the price can be gigged with any day of the week
Albert Lam
I love playing but where I live it’s difficult I learned at a early age but never stuck to it I am 66 from Ohio thanks for all your help from Albert in Ohio