The Funniest Craigslist Drum Setup Fails on the Internet
If you’ve spent any time browsing used drum gear on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, you most likely have seen some pretty jank kit setups on listings. Here’s some of the best ones I’ve found.
I have no idea what’s going on with these toms 👽
It’s common to see non-drummers selling drum sets, and they tend to mount the tom arms backwards.
Nice single tom bass drum setup
I’m not entirely sure what I’m even looking at here.
That’s one way to store a drum set
In addition to scratches, you’ll throw out your back trying to move it! Give it a shot!
Another set of alien rack toms 👽
That’s an interesting spot for the floor tom (also, how tf is that mounted?!)
Damn, no matching snare drum. Not worth it.
Three rack toms, one kick
Creative use of a multiclamp…
Why use the other ball clamp when you add a pointless third one?
That China isn’t that high, but it looks interesting to say the least
“You’ll get a better sound using the resonant head of the kick drum bro”
Just bring your sticks, we have a house kit
20 inch symbol and grioove tomb tomb drum
The actually spelled Zildjian correctly…