Yamaha Stage Custom Birch 5-Piece Review

Yamaha is one of the most diverse gear manufacturers in music, from pianos to guitars to drums. However, for over three decades, one drum set series has served drummers looking to hone their skills: ...
Yamaha is one of the most diverse gear manufacturers in music, from pianos to guitars to drums. However, for over three decades, one drum set series has served drummers looking to hone their skills: ...
Up there with names like Gibson, Yamaha, or Fender, Pearl has been one of the most consistent names in the music world. The company has served drummers in various ways—with more than just drum ...
If you're like me, nothing compares to a vintage 1960s or 70s drum kit. The 60s Ludwig kit defined the Beatles, the 60s Gretch kit defined The Rolling Stones, and now we have C&C defining the ...
About a month ago, I picked up a set of Ludwig Breakbeats by Questlove from my local Music Go Round store. Today I will review the kit and find out if this set of drums holds up professionally or ...
What I'm about to say might shock the drumming community—both veterans and newcomers. Donner is raising the bar when it comes to quality drum sets for new players. And before you scoff with ...